
Rapid progress and dissemination

In recent years, Topigs Norsvin has invested heavily in its breeding structure with the opening of Delta Canada, Delta Norway, and Innova Canada as central core breeding locations. We breed and select the top of our breeding lines in these three modern breeding facilities.

With this structure of central nucleus breeding combined with state-of-the-art novel breeding techniques, we can accelerate our genetic progress considerably. In addition, we can breed perfectly for new traits that were not possible until recently. Traits vital for a sustainable future and better animal welfare.

Delta Canada, Delta Norway, and Innova Canada are in countries with the highest health status. This allows us to bring our genetic progress to our customers faster than ever before so that they can benefit sooner from the results we achieve.

In addition, we have established local genetic hubs in the form of AI stations and sub-nucleus farms in several countries. These are fed with genetic progress from the three central breeding stations and supply customers in the region.